Abundance Now- Lisa Nichols

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Get started now & enjoy the journey!

FREE Personal Prosperity Quiz for immediate download!

I’d like provide you to a terrific resource mentioned in the book that I’ve turned into a downloadable PDF document for you. It’s called the Personal Prosperity Quiz, and it asks you to look at four areas: your spiritual life, your relationships, your career and finances, and finally, your health and wellness. It steps you through determining how fulfilled you feel in these areas.

Are you living in abundance? Is your cup running over? Or do you have work to do in order to achieve satisfaction in these areas?

You’ll find the Personal Prosperity Quiz by clicking this link. A new browser window will open with a PDF document appearing there. You can download this document by right-clicking and choosing “Save As…” so you can read or print it later from your desktop.

What will you learn about yourself from the Personal Prosperity Quiz? You’ll discover how abundant you are right now…today. My guess is that you have more to be grateful for in your life than you think. And based on this realization, you can begin to build on the abundance and prosperity you’re enjoying this moment (perhaps without even realizing it).

Don’t wait until you hit a specific money marker, have started your dream career, or have found your soul mate. You can live abundantly now on your way to living an even better life. You can love greatly today on the way to loving more openly in the future. And you can pursue health and wellness with vigor so you’ll be ready for life’s great adventures.

For now, click to read and download the Personal Prosperity Quiz. Then look for future issues of my “Abundance Now” newsletter. You’ll stay inspired, informed and empowered as each issue brings you tools, tips and strategies for creating an abundant life…NOW.

“Abundant Life” Guided Visualization on Audio MP3

“Abundant Life” Guided Visualization on Audio MP3—Sit back, relax, listen and begin manifesting your abundant life! Through this powerful visualization process, I’ll help you “see” your abundant life as already achieved—a process which is triggers the mind to take those actions and see those opportunities necessary to bring your abundant life to fruition. (Not for use while driving or operating equipment.)

Listen to the Abundant Life Audio Session by clicking the play button, or download the full Mp3 file below:

“A New Definition of Abundance” Audio Course

—More than just a conversation around privilege or finances, abundance is about your whole life and having it ALL more abundantly. In this unique audio course, Lisa Nichols gives you the tools to define abundance in every area of your life—on your own terms—plus she’ll give you an action plan to go after the abundant, holistic life you define. 

Lisa will move you from feelings of lack, emptiness, and dissatisfaction—transforming your life into a meaningful journey that’s the catalyst to live your life to the fullest. Listen in and fully flourish in the strength and power of YOU.

Listen to the “A New Definition of Abundance” Audio Course by clicking the play button, or download the full Mp3 file below: